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japanese manga 1
monster tamer tsuna script
story 1
story 2 Alice
virgin girl should be
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Wednesday, 25 August 2010
get the most out of your textbook
Mood:  cool
Now Playing: book

In order to get the most out of your textbooks, you should follow several steps vie carefully.

First, you should make a preliminary serve to get a general idea of each book.

Second, you should read for understanding and formulate questions.

Next, make notes on the major points of each chapter.

Then, test yourself to be sure that you can answer a question that is raised in class and in examinations.

Finally, review your notes and reread the parts of the book that are unclear to you.

credit: get the most out of your textbook

Posted by pegasusclub at 11:58 PM EDT
Is japanese manga so difficult?
Now Playing: manga
Topic: japanese manga 1

Manga is another word we  call printed comics and catoons. The same way we call anime instead animation cartoon.


In Japanese, Manga live harmony in their culture. It’s the form of art and famous. Grown up people  (adults) in japan are familiar reading manga  and manga magazines in their normal  life.

May be it’s a strange way in another contries. But we must say that  manga is not only for children.  There are many kinds of stories of manga that suitable for all readers.  May be we can call manga is a kinds of novel or book.  It full of art . Not much alphabet, present by picture, drawing in the way of storyboard, full of imagine.  You can say many beautiful things about manga.  Although one thing of manga which so difficult is the ordering to read.

One difficult thing of japanese manga

Posted by pegasusclub at 11:48 PM EDT
Tuesday, 24 August 2010
Bob want to buy a guitar which was second hand.
Bob want to sell his own textbooks. He dicided to them in order to buy a guitar which was second hand. He decide to look for a guitar but he could not find one. He seem to be quiet disappoint. So, he chose not to buy it. He plans to put the money in the bank. He will deposit the  money in order to recieve the interest at the end of the year.

Posted by pegasusclub at 1:24 AM EDT
Monday, 23 August 2010
Dress according to zodiac

Dress according to zodiac

Aries (14 Apr -13 May)

Color of costumes of Areis’ girls are white, black and red. You can freely combine those three colors  with many styles.  For the color of jewelry, green emerald is best.

Taurus (14May -13June)

The color of  Taurus’s  dresses comes from nature. Example is brown from wood, green with leaves. Working women of Taurus should dress with natural tone, which will support  your work. Jewelry for Taurus’s girls is jade.

Gemini (14 June -13 July)

Gemini’s girls are free to dress any colors in this period. However style of your dresses have to full of creativity. Wearing the headband or hair wrap and sunglasses are good for you.

Read the rest of article here Dress according to zodiac to have a good fortunes.



Posted by pegasusclub at 12:39 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, 23 August 2010 12:50 PM EDT
Sunday, 22 August 2010
KHE monster tamer tsuna script
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: khr
Topic: monster tamer tsuna script

Reborn: Does everyone remember, the evil monster Blood-sucking Hibarin who attacked village after village,sucking the life out of every hero who stood against him?
Hibarin: I will suck all who resist to death.
Reborn: Loser Tsuna, a descendant of monster tamers, used the power of MonMon Candy to turn into Hyper Tsuna, before taking on Hibarin, but he was quickly taken out.
Reborn: you didn't put up  much of fight.
Tsuna: How am I supposed to defeat Hibarin when he's invincible?
Reborn: We have no choice. Let us find monsters to join you in your quest.
Tsuna: Huh? Monsters?
Reborn: Yes, You are a descendant of monster tamers. Use strong monsters to defeat Hibarin. You never had a chance to defeat Hibarin by yourself.
Tsuna:  Then why did you make me fight?
Reborn: Come, Let's go.
Tsuna: You're gonna ignore the question?
------  danger---------
Reborn: Let's stop here.
Tsuna: Hmm,  Huh? This place is dangerous! A suspicious-looking laboratory that nobody dares to apporach!
Reborn: Just go inside!
Tsuna: Ow, There it is! A monster!
Reborn: To be continued.

Posted by pegasusclub at 12:23 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 22 August 2010 12:26 PM EDT
Saturday, 21 August 2010
Alice should rewrite her assignment.
Mood:  cheeky
Now Playing: writing
Topic: story 2 Alice
Alice seem to be in a hurry because she had to finish her writing assignment. She believed that it was good but Som who was her teacher did not agree with her. She asked Som to comment on her writing. Som advised her to change some words which were ambiguous and doubtful. Finally, som pointed out to her that she should write the assignment again.

Posted by pegasusclub at 12:48 PM EDT
Jim want to buy a new Europian car
Now Playing: Japan car
Topic: story 1

Jim want to buy a new Europian car. He dicided to sell  the old one to get the money. He seemed very disappointed because he could not get enough money. He planned to borrow some money but he had to pay the interest which was a large amount of money. So, his friend suggested that he buy a car from Japan which was cheaper than European car.

Now, Jim has one Japan car; Toyota.

Posted by pegasusclub at 11:51 AM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 21 August 2010 12:18 PM EDT
Thursday, 19 August 2010
Introduce myself
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: blog
Topic: Hello everyone

Hello. I'm open blog to review the experience of me all the things I see in the world, this everything I'm interested in is being written here, I have interests in many issues, such as, books, beauty. Electronic equipment , and other I'll be writting here .
I was 19. I am a single.  I love movies. I prefer to sing. I like people with my experience I hope everyone will enjoy my life.
Love everyone.

Posted by pegasusclub at 4:05 AM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 19 August 2010 4:13 AM EDT
Topic: virgin girl should be


Virgin Girl Should be


credit: single life sukiren

Why virgin girls? Why do guys look for the virgin girl for marrigage with when they are not? Why the girls fear that if they are not virgin the guys are not going to have a marriage with them?  These ideas can be found in many asian people. It's hard to know that who is virgin girl or who is not virgin girl. and in my opinion there is no need to know.

To check virgin in this day medical science provides us any techniques to determine virgin girl by check her maidenhead. This can help one figure out that the girl's no longer virgin? But  the checking process may cause some conflict.

Asian guys detect virgin girl by check her properties. They think that virgin girl should
-Have good manner
-Expert in cooking
-Have skills of arts

In this era it's very hard to come across the girl who has above properties, but many Asian guys are still seeking a virgin girl. they expect that. virgin girl can become the good mother for thair children.

Posted by pegasusclub at 1:19 AM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 19 August 2010 4:10 AM EDT

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