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monster tamer tsuna script
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Sunday, 22 August 2010
KHE monster tamer tsuna script
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Topic: monster tamer tsuna script

Reborn: Does everyone remember, the evil monster Blood-sucking Hibarin who attacked village after village,sucking the life out of every hero who stood against him?
Hibarin: I will suck all who resist to death.
Reborn: Loser Tsuna, a descendant of monster tamers, used the power of MonMon Candy to turn into Hyper Tsuna, before taking on Hibarin, but he was quickly taken out.
Reborn: you didn't put up  much of fight.
Tsuna: How am I supposed to defeat Hibarin when he's invincible?
Reborn: We have no choice. Let us find monsters to join you in your quest.
Tsuna: Huh? Monsters?
Reborn: Yes, You are a descendant of monster tamers. Use strong monsters to defeat Hibarin. You never had a chance to defeat Hibarin by yourself.
Tsuna:  Then why did you make me fight?
Reborn: Come, Let's go.
Tsuna: You're gonna ignore the question?
------  danger---------
Reborn: Let's stop here.
Tsuna: Hmm,  Huh? This place is dangerous! A suspicious-looking laboratory that nobody dares to apporach!
Reborn: Just go inside!
Tsuna: Ow, There it is! A monster!
Reborn: To be continued.

Posted by pegasusclub at 12:23 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 22 August 2010 12:26 PM EDT

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