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Thursday, 19 August 2010
Topic: virgin girl should be


Virgin Girl Should be


credit: single life sukiren

Why virgin girls? Why do guys look for the virgin girl for marrigage with when they are not? Why the girls fear that if they are not virgin the guys are not going to have a marriage with them?  These ideas can be found in many asian people. It's hard to know that who is virgin girl or who is not virgin girl. and in my opinion there is no need to know.

To check virgin in this day medical science provides us any techniques to determine virgin girl by check her maidenhead. This can help one figure out that the girl's no longer virgin? But  the checking process may cause some conflict.

Asian guys detect virgin girl by check her properties. They think that virgin girl should
-Have good manner
-Expert in cooking
-Have skills of arts

In this era it's very hard to come across the girl who has above properties, but many Asian guys are still seeking a virgin girl. they expect that. virgin girl can become the good mother for thair children.

Posted by pegasusclub at 1:19 AM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 19 August 2010 4:10 AM EDT

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